USCGAUX Letterhead Banner

District 7, Division 8
Flotilla 85
Palmetto, Florida



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Boating Safety Classes

Vessel Safety Checks





National Auxiliary

District 7

Division 8

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Privacy Policy / Disclaimer Statement

Last Updated: 
14 Jun 2009 11:03

welcome aboard!

Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Flotilla 85 (or 08-05) is THE 'Go-To' group of experienced mariners in the Bradenton area, north of the Manatee River, for all things related to Recreational Boating Safety and On-The-Water Operations.

We hold our monthly business meeting on the third Tuesday of every month (except December) at 7:00pm at the Bradenton Yacht Club, located on Snead Island at the west end of 10th Street in Palmetto, FL.

Guests are VERY welcome; just call [1-800-987-6543] for more information.

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