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District 7, Division 8
Flotilla 85
Palmetto, Florida



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National Auxiliary

District 7

Division 8

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Last Updated: 
14 Jun 2009 11:03

join the u.s. coast guard auxiliary in Florida

Serve Your Community...

Serve the Boating Public...

Serve Your Country.

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian volunteer corps of nearly 30,000 people nationwide that assists the regular Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security with crisis response, search & rescue, recreational boating safety, marine safety and environmental protection.

If you own a boat (17' or larger), own a marine radio transceiver, or can bring a special set of skills, like a school teacher who boats or  experience as a professional mariner, then we want to speak to you about becoming a member of the nation's foremost corps of trained and ready volunteers.

Call us at [1-800-987-6543] for more information.


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